Fathers are the best!!!!
Today was one of the most productive days I have had in about a couple months. Well, really since my dad helped me last time to accomplish stuff around the house. I really am not sure how I would get so much done without the pops!
He is like superman, Einstein, Mr. Wizard, & Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor all wrapped up in one! The amount of knowledge in this mans head boggles me.
Today's projects included and concluded:
1) The replacement of both elements in the water heater, after scraping out the random calcium deposits in the bottom. It took about and hour and a half to pull the calcium from the bottom after we took an old spoon, bent it and duct taped it to a dowel rod.
2) Changed this crappy oil plug on my car that the old owner put on... why? Because they were to lazy to get the right one. The one they put on the car was this Universal stopper plug that had a toggle bolt on the end. So Fred and I spent more time deciding how we were going to get this bolt out from the inside of the oil tank.
Basically I am saying that my dad is awesome and I love him for ALWAYS helping me out!
I have no idea what a toggle bolt is, but it doesn't sound like it should be used as a plug.