When I sat down to watch this movie, I wasn't exactly sure what I was in for. I know that it got rave reviews from both fans and critics. I still had my doubts on whether or not I would personally like it or not.
I am kinda sad that I didn't go to the theater and see this movie now. I was expecting some drab semi-fictional account of what when on and why the hell I am so addicted to Facebook ! I mean lets just face some facts. As humans evolve, so does intelligence (as well as stupidity in some cases). If half of this movie were true... Mark Zuckerberg is a flipping genius! I mean lets face it, you would have to have lived under a rock, or third world country for that matter, to NOT have heard about Facebook.
There are over 500,000,000 people using it to keep tabs on their friends, stalk their ex's, find a job, post pictures of a raging party they went to, or even keep connections with family. If your anything like me, a 32 year old, it is always weird to see your parents pop up as wanting to be your friend on Facebook. Sure they say that "they want to see pictures of their grandchild," or "looking forward to keeping in contact with whats going on with the family," but we know the truth. They want to see what all the hoopla of a $50,000,000,000 (That's billion for those who can't translate money) company, that has taken the world by storm.
This movie was comprised of a stellar cast of people from Jessie Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake and a couple other people I have seen in other movies. The film is directed by David Fincher and written by Aaron Sorkin.
I know of several people that have told me that there parents have signed up for Facebook after watching this movie, mine, weren't those people.
Mark Zuckerberg actually just appeared on Saturday Night Live to in essence, make fun of himself. If any of you saw it, it was short, sweet and to the point, well that is for SNL (See video here!). If you start it at the 6 minute mark and watch till about the 10:38 second mark you will see what I saw. It was pretty cool of him to do the show. Good of Mark to poke fun at himself, because that is what SNL does. After all he did create the "poke" feature (I kinda hate him for this of course).
Everyone always seems to hate Facebook when they go and change things, but you need to just look at it as the natural evolution of Facebook. Mark Z talks a lot about greeting things that make the world a better place, and I believe him. I read that he just recently donated a $100,000,000 to a Newark school corporation. He doesn't seem to be that bad of a guy from what I saw, he seemed to just want to be down with this whole thing and move on. When the lawsuits started filming, Mark didn't seem to be thrilled, but in a manner, it wouldn't help then do anything to jeopardize the increase in FaceBook,
I remember the first time I came across Facebook in my buddies dorm room at Sigma Ali Pi, Steve "Grizzle" Spurgeon helped me try to select a new song that he had acquired from NAPSTER. When I full up his laptop to see THE FACEBOOK starring back at am I felt the crack run through my veins. From that moment, I know that this was something that I wanted to be involved in! The only downfall I had saw so far was the I didn't have Purdue.edu, or IU,edu credentials, to properly get on there and meet and greet my peeps. This site was nothing like I have ever seen before, and then I wondered why it had talked so long for me to be able to get involved. I didn't go to college, have a business email address. I was quite pissed off that they could cut me out of the next great thing. It wan't but two years later that as a normal human being, I was able to slip in under the radar. 10 minutes of fiddling around, i almost had an orgasm! It was about the best thing since sliced bread, beer drunken nights of Foosball in our old apartment on the west side of Indy. Good times there!

Well, I leave you with this... Lay off the man, he is a genius with just as many personal issues as we have. If you haven't gone to see the movie, do so, it kinda lets you in on the craziness that is Facebook.
Let you imagination wander and go forth to make your billion dollar idea. You never know what you could create, and someone could take to the next level!!
(I have so rights to any of the pictures or movie clips, but only the thoughts that come from my brain.)
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